I am Lola Ruíz, a creative mind specialized in the audiovisual sector, director of Lola Ruiz Bueno Media and passionate photographer and videographer.
I highlight my ability to direct, manage and carry out pre-production, production and post-production processes of audiovisual content. I enjoy and am passionate about the development of the creative idea, that is, carrying out the entire process until it is materialized.
To date, I have developed campaigns for big brands, directed photo and video at festivals, reinforced and improved the image on social networks of businesses in practically all sectors, worked with hospitality companies around the world (Maldives, Mexico, Zanzibar… ), participated in the direction of photography in video clips and developing the art direction of advertising campaigns.
At Lola Ruíz Bueno, we have a professional team to carry out all our work. Land, Sea and Air! We work in any environment.
This is my most technical and important part. I hope that in person you can learn about many of my other characteristics and can enjoy the care and passion that I put into each project.
“Viajar en barco a lugares paradisíacos y fondear en los parajes más espectaculares, era algo que únicamente podíamos explicar mediante la fotografía y video. Lola no sólo logró capturar la esencia y la aventura que una empresa de aventura busca transmitir, sino que se adaptó a un entorno complicado, como es un barco y se mimetizó con la tripulación convirtiéndose en una más de la familia. ¡Grande marinera!”
Baupress Expeditions
“Lola es sin duda una artista visual. Logra transmitir emociones a través de la fotografía. Cada vez que vemos las imágenes del festival y los vídeos, volvemos a revivir lo que ha significado para nosotras IKIGAI FEST. Desde la organización queremos agradecer que apostara por nosotras y nos hiciera hueco en su agenda para cubrir el festival.”
Las 11+1 | Org. Ikigai Fest